Dreams Not Fame Podcast
Dreams Not Fame Podcast
Crypto Is King - Josh Newsom
Kind of weird not addressing y'all as "Foodies" but I'll explain the full story in time. This week's episode features one of my old buddies from high school, Josh Newsom. We recently linked up and discussed everything Crypto and NFT that's been taking the world by storm the last couple of years. We dived into some of the topics most future investors would love to discuss. Is it safe to invest, is it worth my investment, and much more!
1:00 -How's your mental Health?
3:00 - How did you get into Crypto?
4:00 - Best time to invest, October
7:00 - Thank you Reddit for the GameStop Rise
12:00 - Josh's new project, a Crypto Forum to help Investors
15:00 - Coins on the come up
23:00 - What are NFTs and how to trade/buy NFTs
35:00 - NFTS are like Pokemon cards
42:00 - Pod Deck Questions